Friday, September 7, 2012

Even though there is no 100% ideal way to lose belly fat, these following proven unique tips will surely help you to trim down your wide waist line:
Tip 1: Eat Breakfast

Although this might sound negative, the truth of the matter is that many studies have shown that eating breakfast very early in the morning helps to maintain your insulin levels within the normal range and it also helps to maintain low levels of LDL cholesterol.
Your breakfast should consist mainly of protein and high fibre foods as these foods have a slow rate of digestion and they do not cause spike increases in the level of blood sugar. Good examples of these types of foods include eggs, peanut butter, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Tip 2-Reduce your stress levels

The effect of stress on the body causes the secretion of the stress hormone called cortisol which is a steroid that predisposes to weight gain. So, you can make use of the following measures to overcome the negative effects of stress:
A] Make sure that you get adequate sleep; you should have at least 7 hours of sleep every night to be very relaxed.

B] Take out time to relax and make sure that you make out about 15 minutes every day during your lunch break to shut out worries from your mind; take deep breadths and shut your eyes to relax better.
C] Do not carry undone work home after work. Learn to relax when you are at home and reserve your home environment strictly for rest; leave all the worries and stress of work behind at the office.

Tip 3-Take about 10,000 steps everyday

Increase the number of steps that you take every day to up to 10,000 steps; skip the elevator and take the stair case; walk instead of driving to short and moderate distances; take a 30 minutes walk around your neighbourhood every evening; if your job entails that you seat down for long periods of time you should consider getting a treadmill to help you engage in walking while you are at work.

Tip 4-Drink lots of water

Water helps to increase the rate of the metabolism of your body. Water also helps you to excrete waste and toxins through urination. It is recommended that you should drink about 8 glasses of water every day and you should always carry your water bottle with you everywhere you go so that you can get water to drink anytime you feel thirsty.

Final tip- Go to weight loss solution to download a free report on 5 foods that can kill stomach fat.
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