Wednesday, October 24, 2012

By Dr. Mary Butler

Dieting can be frustrating and challenging to say the least. You may know full well about this kind of frustration and hard times that go along with it. Imagine being able to lose three pounds a day. You can do so when you learn more about the hCG diet. Evidence has proved this hormone can change how fast you can lose weight.

The human placenta during pregnancy expels a hormone called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, hCG. This hormone exhibits control over a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. Injections of this hormone have proved to change the rate of metabolism, thus allowing to lose weight at a much faster rate than you would without it.

Many people avoid this effective weight loss treatment because they think the hormone comes directly from a female human or from the urine of some animals. Be advised this is not true. The hormone used for fat loss injection is manufactured in a lab using sterile cells. The hormone used for fertility treatments is also not the version used for weight loss injections.

This plan does include you eating healthier foods. Many dieters that have experienced success on this plan added plenty of raw vegetables to their diet. Researchers believe this nutrient addition adds to the positive metabolic changes that allow rapid weight loss using this hormone. Adding fiber to meals also helps to increase the loss of those extra pounds as well.

Be sure you also drink a lot of water as well while dieting. This is true for any type of plan you are following. Water flushes your system of the toxins that slow down the fat loss you would otherwise experience at faster rate. Drinking water before meals can also help you feel fuller, thus helping you to eat less. Your doctor can explain more to you about the great benefits of drinking water.

Your physician will perform diagnostic blood work before you have these injections. The tests are for making sure you are healthy enough to take the injections. Some medical conditions can cause adverse reactions to hCG injections. If your are healthy, you can benefit greatly from the plan.

Many people that have tried many dieting plans have found their way to success using the hCG diet. Realizing your goals and reaching them when it comes to thinning down some can increase your level of self esteem. The better you feel about your appearance, the easier it will be for you to maintain your new weight. Talk to your health care provider about these injections and find out if they are right for you.

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