Saturday, October 20, 2012

By Liana Badea

Menopause is the end of fertility for women. The most important menopause symptoms are: hot flashes, depression, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, bone loss, joint pain, dry skin, hair loss. This change of life gives women three choice in order to live a normal life. First choice is to accept menopause gracefully and patiently and do nothing. Not many women are fond of this choice. Second choice is to go to doctor and get medication. Third choice is to follow a natural menopause treatment with herbal remedies and alternative medicine.

The option to go to the doctor is easy. To diminish the severity of menopause symptoms, a doctor will prescribe Hormone Replacement Therapy. This therapy is very popular in USA, but it has side effects, including risk of breast cancer, high blood pressure and heart attacks. Because of these scary side effects, more and more women are looking into a natural approach to menopause, including herbal remedies and alternative medicine.

A prescribed Hormone Replacement Therapy is not the only option available to women. Many of them opt for a more natural way of treating menopause. More and more women are trying out natural remedies before they go to the doctor. Natural treatments are ideal because they involve things that the woman's body needs anyway.

Natural herbal remedies will relieve menopause symptoms and improve a woman's overall health in the same time. Besides herbal remedies, a well balanced diet, drinking lots of water and following a simple exercise routine will improve the quality of her life.

Another menopause symptom is the bone loss, that leads to Osteoporosis. Taking the right amount of calcium supplements on a daily basis and incorporating foods rich in calcium in the diet will help the bones to remain strong. Menopause affects every woman's life, either she gets severe menopause symptoms or not.

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