Friday, November 23, 2012

By Toby Edge

In a previous article I looked at mind-set and how crucially important it is for long term weight loss. I described how it is your current programming and subconscious mind-set that really determines you weight, and that you will need to get this foundation piece right if you want long term success.

So what exactly can you do about this?

Well, one of the main techniques that I like to use is called 'self-talk'. This is something my clients often use and it can have wonderful results when used properly and consistently. So lets quickly look into how this works.

As I talked about in the my previous article, programs can come from all sorts of sources including what you say, both out loud and internally to yourself. So when you keep saying 'i'll never lose weight' or 'diets don't work for me' this is going to gradually become reality. What self talk does is help you to change your programs by making sure you deliver positive ones to your subconscious, rather than negative ones.

The first thing that you need to do, therefore, is evaluate what your current self talk is like. One way of doing this is simply by noting down all internal comment you make regarding your weight, exericse, dieting and so on. Note down all of the phrases you hear for three days and you'll start to build a picture of what your internal dialogue is like.

After three days you should review what you have written into your log. Ask yourself this - are these the sorts of programs you really want to log into your subconscious. Remember these programs are kind of like orders, so you really want to be sending the right signals, right?

In order to sort this issue out you will first need to turn your negative self talk into positive self talk. For example, if you wrote down the phrase 'I hate exercise' you can change this to be 'I love exercise'. Do that with all of your phrases and you'll start to see what you should be logging into your subconscious mind.

Now that you have these positive messages, read them every day. Read them each morning, in from of the mirror, and out loud. If you do this for a few weeks you will start to see some positive changes. When this happens you can start to take things further by editing your internal self talk as you go. This is where long term change will come from.

This is only one technique, but its one of the best I've ever come across. Use it and get that foundation in place for long term weight loss.

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