Friday, October 18, 2013

By Addy Rochon

It is used to add flavor and character to different kinds of foods. As a matter of fact, it is considered a staple spice in Asian, Italian, Indian and Spanish cuisine due to its savory spiciness.

Saffron is one of the most expensive spices in the world. This is why most people use it sparingly and with care. Unknown to many, the benefits of saffron go beyond the kitchen. It also boasts an array of health benefits as well. Let me share to you some of them.

Body Pain Alleviation For centuries, the extract of saffron has been used in various Middle Eastern and Asian countries to alleviate pain in a natural manner. Well, saffron extract supplements do the exact same thing. Nowadays, however, they are most commonly used to alleviate kidney pain and stomach pain over any other kinds of pain. Depression Prevention and Treatment Not a lot of people are aware that saffron extract has powerful anti-depressant properties in it that are deemed to be just as powerful as those found in other anti-depressant drugs in today's market.

Back in the day, saffron was used in a lot of different kinds of foods to give it a special taste. However, it was usually only taken in small doses because of the bitter taste that it has.

This can help improve and maintain your brain's health. Apart from that, it has also been found that with regular intake of saffron extract supplements, you can increase both your short and long term memory.

Brain Damage Protection Several studies have already shown that these supplements can protect the brain cells from inflammatory damage. In turn, this can maintain and improve the health of the brain overall. Aside from that, these supplements are also known to increase a person's short-term and long-term memory when taken on a regular basis. How great is that?

By releasing these happy chemicals, you can drastically improve your mood and reduce anxiety attacks.

It can help alleviate body pain. For centuries, saffron extract has been used by Asians and Middle Easterns as a natural pain killer. These days, it is still commonly used to treat stomach pain as well as kidney pain.

Appetite Suppression The most common use of saffron extract supplements is for appetite suppression, though. As mentioned earlier, saffron extract can manage the body's levels of serotonin. Well, these levels are actually also the main reason why a lot of people binge eat.

Of course, it goes without saying that you should only use saffron extract for weight loss if you plan on staying within that recommended daily dose. It would never be advisable to exceed that limit, no matter what. In fact, it would be absolutely vital for you to stick to the given instructions with each purchase, so that you can successfully avoid any unwanted problems in the long run.

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