Tuesday, October 29, 2013

By Thad Graney

Phentermine is closely akin to amphetamines. It is an approved appetite suppressant that is usually used to assist obese people meet weight loss objectives. It's a powerful drug and does help people lose weight, but without healthy habits, the weight quickly returns. There are serious side effects associated with phentermine that only a doctor can help you assess.

Phentermine is typically a prescribed medication because of possible side effects. While it is helpful for those who are struggling with health issues relating to their weight, it is essential that it is only used after a doctor has evaluated the potential risks against anticipated advantages. Phentermine is no different than other amphetamines and has the potential for addiction.

Phentermine will make you feel like you don't need to eat or that you only need to eat a little. Phentermine can create a feeling of euphoria and increases energy levels. However, this often causes insomnia and sleep deprivation which can lead to extreme changes in personal behavior. After a short time, the body builds up a tolerance to phentermine and it seems to stop working.

Websites across the internet sell phentermine without a prescription, but using it without the advice and supervision of a doctor is not only foolish, it's dangerous. This drug can cause serious and long lasting damage to the body and mind. The heart is particularly sensitive to this form of amphetamine. Only a doctor can decide if this is a wise course to follow.

An internet search for phentermine will quickly lead to endless glowing testimonials from people who took phentermine and lost a bunch of weight in a short time. This is quite possible. However, it is only half of the story. These same women fail to mention the mood swings, chest pains, tremors and irregular heartbeat they also experienced while taking the drug.

Like any amphetamine, it's possible to overdose with phentermine. Typically, an overdose will cause hallucinations, painful headaches, possible seizures, fuzzy vision, nausea and vomiting. Naturally, these are never mentioned in the glowing endorsements of the drug which are only trying to sell you. It would be most wise to avoid it or at least be cautious.

It is unfortunate that advertising has created an expectation that we should all be slim and beautiful. This is nothing more than a manipulation of social values that make many people feel inadequate. Of course, this is done to sell us stuff, but the truth is we don't need it. We are complete and whole and miraculous just as we are, regardless of how big our belly is.

Weight loss takes time. There is no magic pill. Phentermine can help you lose weight, but you will still have to change your lifestyle to keep it off. It's about becoming healthy and this begins with respecting yourself, eating an abundance of healthy foods and enjoying physical activity every day. Remember, it may take time, so be sure to love yourself along the way.

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