Thursday, January 9, 2014

By Keith Copeland

There are times when you may feel as if your plan to lose weight is impossible to achieve. You may be pushing hard to begin with, only to lose steam soon afterwards. You may wonder how other people reach their weight loss goals. What do they do to achieve this?

Before you do anything else, you should ask yourself why you want to lose weight, and then set your goals. Is there a specific function that you are trying to lose weight for? Is there a specific weight loss goal you want to achieve? Do you want to lose weight to improve your health and vitality? These inquiries are the ones you must answer to find out your goals.

Record your progress at least once a week. Hold a record of your progress and update it each week. Within the journal, create a food log to keep track of all the food you eat each day. By physically recording what you eat, you will be more self aware and perhaps more discerning in your dietary choices.

It's a fact, you will eat at some point today! Figure out what you are going to eat before you get too famished. Be prepared to face your hunger head on and in a healthy way throughout the day. Take some healthy things to eat or pack your lunch when you go to work or leave the house. Imagine how much money you can save by not dining out. Success is easy when you make plans and stick to them.

Successful weight loss programs need to include both dieting and exercise. Find a few workout routines that you enjoy, and do them three to four times a week. If you are having difficulty exercising consistently, consider what it is that you like to do, and turn that into a workout. When getting together with your friends, you can all take a walk. Dancing enthusiasts should consider enrolling in organized classes. If you're a hiking enthusiast, consider hiking some new trails!

You might realize this, but it's worth saying: if you don't have any junk food in the house, you won't be tempted to eat it. Make sure that you only have healthy foods in your kitchen. These include foods like fresh produce, nuts and foods made with whole grain. Don't buy the food that is not good for you. Don't even buy it when you are at the grocery store! Consider adding yacon to your diet.

Reach out to your friends and family to support you during your weight loss efforts. You are more likely to stick to your plans when someone else is rooting for you. Being responsible for regularly reporting your progress to someone can prevent you from giving up. Calling a trusted friend can provide encouragement whenever you need it. They will help give you the support to allow you to go on.

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